PM extends best wishes to Indian Contingent for Paris

Paris Olympics

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his heartfelt wishes to the Indian contingent participating in the upcoming Paris Olympics during his Mann Ki Baat address today. Recognizing the dedication and preparation of Indian athletes following their commendable performance in Tokyo, the Prime Minister expressed confidence in their abilities to shine on the global stage once again. “Right after the Tokyo Olympics, our athletes were whole-heartedly engaged in the preparations for the Paris Olympics. If we take all the players together, then all of them have participated in nearly nine…

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In Paris Olympics, India eyes big game

Paris Olympics

New Delhi: The Olympic Games are not far away. In the world it is called Mahakumbh of sports. This time it is being organized in the French capital Paris from 26th July to 11th August. All the countries participating in it are finalizing their preparations. These games take place every four years in July-August. For this reason it is also called Summer Olympics. For 15 days, the eyes of sports lovers around the world are on TV screens. Which country got how many medals, which player defeated whom, how many…

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