When medics turn angels the world looks happy

Lucknow Academy of Pediatrics

Lucknow: Many would remember Robin Williams playing Patch Adams trying to make  patients happy. In real life doctors too have a role to help those in pain tide past their pain and bring back smiles. Lucknow Adolescent Health Academy, a unit of Lucknow Academy of Pediatrics is doing just that. It is not only touching lives of the underprivileged through medical treatment, it is also  organizing special awarness drives. A health camp and awareness talk was held for over 20 underprivileged families of Jugoli slum, Lucknow on 31st August to…

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Awareness drive spreads the word on healthy Lifestyle

Lucknow Academy of Pediatrics

Lucknow: On behalf of the Lucknow Adolescent health Academy & the Lucknow Academy of Pediatrics, Dr Shalini Bhasin, President Elect 2024 of the Academy, conducted 2 awareness sessions. The sessions were held on ‘Living a Healthy Lifestyle’ -for Junior & Senior students, at the Munshipullia Yellow room of Sarthak Foundation, a NGO which aims to alleviate poverty by providing quality education and holistic health support to economically marginalized children in Lucknow. The awareness camp saw the participation of 40 kids and 2 teachers in all. The event was conducted in…

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Lucknow Doctors touch lives of orphaned children

Lucknow Academy of Pediatrics

Lucknow: Lucknow Adolescent Health Academy and the Lucknow Academy of Pediatrics celebrated Independence Day at Shri Ram Audhyogic Anathalaya, Lucknow. Flag hoisting was done with the Orphanage Girl children aged 8-18 years. Present at the event 70 children, 10 teachers and staff, 20 neighbours in public. All participated. Songs, dance and programs were presented by the kids. Pediatricians of the city, Dr Shalini Bhasin and Dr Mirza Waqar Beg addressed the children and encouraged them to dream big, strive for excellence and become great citizens of our country. Cake cutting…

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Lucknow Academy of Pediatrics spreading the word on good maternal caring

Lucknow Academy of Pediatrics

Lucknow: World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated from 1st to 7th August. Like previous years, this year also, members of Lucknow Academy of Pediatrics are organizing free workshops for mothers across Lucknow city, in which information is being given on the benefits of breastfeeding, correct techniques and solutions to common problems. In the workshops, experienced health experts answered the questions of the mothers and encouraged them. Apart from this, efforts were made to create a favourable environment for breastfeeding at workplaces and public places. Dr. Nirmala Joshi said that according to…

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