Lucknow: With the constant monitoring of CM Yogi Adityanath and the alertness of the forest department officials, the man-eating wolf was finally caught on Thursday morning. Villagers of more than 35 villages were terrorized by the terror of the man-eating wolf. With this effort of the forest department, the local people of Bahraich have heaved a sigh of relief. The forest department has so far caught four wolves from Bahraich. This dreaded wolf will be sent to Gorakhpur Zoo. CM Yogi praised the forest department officials.
On Thursday morning, freedom was achieved from the man-eating wolf, which had become synonymous with terror in more than 35 villages of Bahraich. It was caught after a lot of hard work due to the tireless efforts of the forest department officials and employees. As soon as the news of the man-eating wolf being caught was received, relief was seen in the eyes of the nearby villagers. Everyone appreciated this effort of the forest department.
Wolf caught by footprints
The forest department had already caught three wolves. The most dreaded wolf was caught on Thursday morning. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) Sanjay Srivastava said that it was traced by thermal drone at 11 pm on Wednesday night. It was again monitored through drones around 5 am. The footprints of the wolf were seen, then the team of local officials of the forest department showed immediate alertness and caught it with great difficulty from the floodplain of Sisayya village at around 10:45 am. The search for two other wolves is on.
Wolf will be sent to Gorakhpur zoo
Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) Sanjay Srivastava said that this wolf will be sent to the zoo in Gorakhpur. He said that mapping was done with drones. Work was done on it throughout the day on Wednesday. While tracking it continuously, its location was marked by footprints on Thursday morning. Physico chemical immobilization was resorted to. Then it was caught by laying a net.
Forest Minister had reached among the victims on the instructions of CM
Forest and Environment Minister Dr. Arun Saxena, Principal Chief Forest Conservator and Head of Department Sudhir Kumar Sharma, Principal Chief Forest Conservator (Wildlife) Sanjay Srivastava etc. had reached Bahraich on Wednesday on the instructions of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. After reaching the villages among the victims and making them aware, the Forest Minister had assured that the department’s team is fully prepared to catch the wolf. The Chief Minister himself is keeping an eye on this. Within 24 hours of the Forest Minister’s arrival, this man-eating wolf was caught.
After a lot of hard work, the hard work of the Forest Department paid off
After a lot of hard work, the hard work of the Forest Department paid off. The efforts of the Forest Department team engaged for the last several weeks paid off. Additional Principal Chief Forest Conservator Renu Singh was continuously camping here. Bahraich DFO Ajit Singh, Devipatan Forest Conservator Manoj Sonkar, the nodal officer of this campaign and Barabanki DFO Akash Badhavan along with their team were present here to carry out Operation Bhedia.