New Delhi: Congress MP and Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, took to social media on Thursday to share a heartwarming video of his visit to the iconic 100-year-old Keventers Store. During the visit, Gandhi not only tried his hand at making cold coffee but also spent time conversing with the store’s owners and staff, showcasing a rare glimpse of his personable side.
The video, shared on his official account on X (formerly Twitter), shows Rahul Gandhi entering the historic store’s kitchen area with a few companions. Workers at the store enthusiastically invited him to observe the process of making cold coffee. To everyone’s delight, Gandhi replied, “I will make it myself.”
Hands-On Experience
With ice cream, milk, and other ingredients in hand, the Congress leader prepared cold coffee with remarkable ease. He poured the freshly made coffee into a bottle and handed it to an elderly woman present at the store. The woman, who lives above the store, invited Gandhi to visit her home.
When Gandhi accepted her invitation and went to her residence, the scene turned light-hearted as the woman couldn’t find her house key. Despite the delay, Gandhi patiently engaged in conversation with her and other women in the neighborhood, leaving a positive impression on those present.
Promoting Legacy Brands
Rahul Gandhi’s interaction with Keventers’ owners revolved around the challenges and opportunities of adapting a legacy brand to modern markets. Sharing his insights from the conversation on social media, Gandhi wrote:
“How do you transform a heritage brand for the new generation and new markets? The young founders of Keventers explained this to me during our discussion. Legacy businesses like Keventers have contributed significantly to our economic growth for generations. We must do more to support them.”
A Refreshing Connection
The video highlights Gandhi’s genuine effort to connect with people and explore India’s entrepreneurial spirit. By engaging with both the legacy business and its patrons, the Congress leader emphasized the importance of preserving heritage brands while fostering innovation and growth.
Public Reactions
The video quickly went viral, with netizens applauding Gandhi’s down-to-earth demeanor and interest in India’s business ecosystem. Many users commented on his ability to blend informal interactions with meaningful discussions about economic development.
A New Perspective
This visit aligns with Rahul Gandhi’s broader approach of engaging directly with people from diverse backgrounds, from farmers and entrepreneurs to local artisans and common citizens. His visit to Keventers is seen as a step toward highlighting the role of heritage businesses in driving India’s economy forward.
The event serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving cultural and economic legacies while adapting to modern demands, a message Gandhi appears keen to champion.