Lucknow: On December 13, 2024, a police team from Rahimabad Police Station, led by SHO Sudhanshu Malik, successfully apprehended Mohd. Ifam, a 30-year-old accused wanted in connection with a financial fraud case under Section 138 of the NI Act.
The team raided Ifam’s residence at Rahimabad, following a warrant issued by the Court in case no. 126772/22. The accused was found at home and taken into custody.
Details of the Accused:
- Name: Mohammad Ifam, son of Khalil
- Age: 30 years
The arrest was carried out by:
- Inspector Sudhanshu Malik (SHO, Rahimabad)
- Constable Premnarayan (Rahimabad Police Station)
The accused is being presented before the Honorable Court for further proceedings.