Krishi Ajeevika Sakhis will be made Lakhpati Didi

Krishi Sakhis

Lucknow:  Under the leadership and guidance of the Deputy Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. Under the Lakhpati Mahila Yojana, the work of training Krishi Sakhis on natural farming is being done in Uttar Pradesh under the State Rural Livelihood Mission with the aim of fulfilling the goals of Lakhpati Didi and orienting agricultural practices towards natural and organic farming.

Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana (DAY-NRLM)- National Rural Livelihood Mission, Uttar Pradesh has currently completed the training and verification of 7634 Krishi Sakhis through 269 training programs. These Sakhis will promote natural/organic farming/agri-ecological farming by coordinating with various selected departments. The government has also instructed the concerned departments that they can get help from these Krishi Sakhis as per the need to complete their various departmental activities. It has been said in the issued orders that in Uttar Pradesh, the Krishi Sakhis of DAY-NRLM can be integrated as para professionals by the Agriculture, Horticulture, Silk and Ground Water Department for their program expansion and on priority basis, the work of program expansion, promotion, beneficiary linking and training of targeted villagers of the department’s programs can be allotted to them. The concerned departments will provide the honorarium determined by them to the Krishi Sakhis as per the rules. The Agriculture Production Commissioner has issued necessary guidelines in this regard to the Agriculture Department, Horticulture Department, Silk Department, Ground Water Department including Rural Development Commissioner, Divisional Commissioners, Mission Director State Rural Livelihood Mission, District Magistrates and Chief Development Officers.

Such members selected from among the members of self-help groups formed under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana (DAY-NRLM) by Uttar Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission (UPSRLM), whose age is between 21 years to 45 years and who have experience and interest in agriculture related works and are the best farmers in the field of production, who have minimum required educational qualification for promotion of their works and who do not have any obstacle in doing local tour in their and nearby villages, are selected as Krishi Ajeevika Sakhi. The works of organization formation, agriculture based livelihood related works, monitoring, are performed by Krishi Sakhis after training.

Krishi Sakhis of DAY-NRLM will be integrated as para professionals in Agriculture, Horticulture, Micro Irrigation, Silk Department/ Directorate for their program expansion, and on priority basis will be allotted the works of program expansion, promotion, beneficiary addition work, and training of targeted villagers of the department’s programs. The concerned departments will provide honorarium determined by them on the basis of work allocation and will select Krishi Sakhis as beneficiaries under their programs on priority basis.

Mission Director of State Rural Livelihood Mission, Mrs. Deepa Ranjan said that under the Livelihood Mission, Krishi Sakhis will be made beneficiaries on priority basis in agricultural extension works and department schemes by the concerned departments. Uttar Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission is working towards posting one Krishi Livelihood Sakhi in every Gram Panchayat, so that natural farming / organic farming is promoted in rural areas and the income of the member families of the self-help group can be increased continuously.

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