CM Yogi reviews ‘Ped Lagao-Ped Bachao Jan Abhiyan-2024’

Lucknow:  Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath reviewed the ‘Ped Lagao-Ped Bachao Jan Abhiyan-2024’ at his official residence on Tuesday. He said that the state government successfully carried forward the ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ campaign under the leadership and guidance of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Under the ‘Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam’ campaign, Uttar Pradesh has got a target of more than 36.46 crores this year. The Chief Minister directed all the concerned departments to achieve this target by mutual coordination on July 20 at any cost. The Chief Minister said that work should be done by setting department-wise and district-wise targets for the state-wide plantation mega campaign. In the meeting, he also gave guidelines to the ministers of the state government and heads of various departments.

Uttar Pradesh has the infinite grace of nature and God: CM
The Chief Minister said that Uttar Pradesh has the infinite grace of nature and God. Here the plantation campaign has now taken the form of a mass movement. In the last six years, more than 168 crore saplings have been planted here. In which 5.72 crore saplings were planted in 2017-18, 11.77 crore in 2018-19, 22.60 crore in 2019-20, 25.87 crore in 2020-21, 30.53 crore in 2021-22, 35.49 in 2022-23, 36.16 crore in 2023-24.

More than 36.46 crore saplings will be planted in the state on July 20
The Chief Minister said that more than 168 crore saplings have been planted in the state in the last six years. According to the FSI report, green cover has increased by 1.98 percent in lakh acres of land in Uttar Pradesh. More than 36.46 crore saplings will be planted in the state on July 20. All the ministers should be present in the district under their charge and plant saplings along with local public representatives and common people. Nodal officers should play an active role in this program.

54.20 crore plants have been prepared for plantation campaign

The availability of plants is very important for the success of plantation campaign. 54.20 crore plants have been prepared by the Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. Along with the plantation of these plants, strong arrangements should be made for their protection. Geo tagging of plantation sites should be done.

Unveiled the logo of Plant Trees-Save Trees campaign

In the program, the Honorable Chief Minister announced the Summer Census of Cranes-2024. He informed that this time 19918 cranes have been found in the census. In 2023 this number was 19522, in 2022 it was 19188. Honorable Chief Minister also unveiled the logo of Plant Trees-Save Trees campaign-2024. Along with this, he also released the tree plantation flip book.

Guidance and instructions of the Chief Minister

The Chief Minister said that with extensive public cooperation, the total green area of ​​the state is continuously increasing. The target of the state government is to increase the total green area of ​​the state from 9.23 percent in 2021-22 to 15 percent by 2026-27. In accordance with this target, 175 crore saplings will have to be planted and protected.

The Chief Minister said that the state government is working towards increasing the income of farmers through ‘carbon finance’. For this, incentives will also be provided to the farmers by the state government. Information about carbon finance should be made available to as many farmers as possible.

The Chief Minister said that the departments which do not have sufficient land should coordinate with other departments and take forward the work of plantation on priority.

The Chief Minister directed that the ministers in charge and nodal officers should join the plantation public campaign. Some new innovations should also be taken forward regarding the plantation public campaign.

The Chief Minister said that the beneficiaries of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana should be provided with Moringa plants and Moringa plants should be planted in Anganwadi centers. This plant proves to be very effective in preventing malnutrition.

The Chief Minister said that by communicating with the 2.62 crore beneficiaries of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi, they should also be connected to the plantation Jan Abhiyan. He also said that fruit-shade trees should be planted as per the requirement in Amrit Sarovars, river banks, vacant land, highway-expressway banks, Mandi Samitis. Intensive plantation should be done in the coastal areas of Ganga, Yamuna, Hindon and other rivers. The Chief Minister said that along with planting the saplings, arrangements should also be made for their protection. Their safety should also be ensured in all circumstances by installing tree guards etc. Efforts should be made for planned plantation this year as before by setting up Bal Van, Amrit Van, Nagar Van, Yuva Van, Shakti Van, Mitra Van, Virasat Virasat Vatika, Nakshatra Vatika. These forests are proving to be very useful in increasing greenery.

The Chief Minister said that for plantation, forest land, Gram Panchayat, community land, expressway-highway, four-lane road, canal, development authorities, medical institutions, educational institutions land as well as private premises can be used by the citizens. Private sectors, NGOs, religious-social organizations should also be associated with this campaign.

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