Youth are living a new kind of life these days

Mumbai: Youth lifestyles have undergone significant changes in recent years, influenced by various factors such as technological advancements, social media, education, and global cultural trends. Here are some key areas where these changes are most evident: 1. Technology and Digital Life Smartphone and Internet Usage: Smartphones and internet access have become ubiquitous, leading to a generation deeply integrated with digital life. Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat dominate youth culture, influencing trends, behaviors, and social interactions. Gaming and Esports: Video games and esports have surged in popularity, with…

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An adventure freak stays fit for long


Lucknow: Loving adventure can significantly contribute to maintaining physical fitness. Here are several ways in which an adventurous spirit can enhance your fitness: Encourages Physical Activity: Adventure often involves activities that require physical exertion, such as hiking, climbing, cycling, and swimming. Engaging in these activities regularly helps improve cardiovascular health, strength, and endurance. Explores New Environments: Seeking adventure frequently leads to exploring new and varied environments, which can mean different types of physical challenges. For example, hiking in the mountains works different muscle groups compared to walking on flat terrain,…

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Post 30, your skincare needs increase


Lucknow: The skin of the face is very soft. That is why it always needs more care. Especially when you cross the age of 30, include some homemade things in your skin care routine to make your skin look young and youthful. Due to which not only will premature ageing appear on your face, nor will you have to waste more money on expensive treatments. So let’s know which are those skin care methods that should definitely be tried at home. Especially those people who are having dark spots on…

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Summers call for comfy clothing


Lucknow: As soon as summer arrives, people start looking for comfort over style and fashion. Be it clothes or makeup, excessive layering in the scorching heat and humidity makes one feel confused and uncomfortable. That is why fashion and styling tips for summer are completely different from other seasons. In this summer, definitely follow these 5 styling tips and look stylish- Make yourself stylish with these tips Wear cotton or linen clothes. It absorbs sweat and helps in keeping the body temperature balanced. Air can pass through these fabrics, which…

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Be a fitness freak with the right attitude


Lucknow: Keeping yourself fit in this fast paced life is no less than a challenge. Bad eating habits and deteriorating lifestyle are having a bad effect on health. Due to this, obesity and weight are increasing rapidly. In such a situation, many people judge their fitness by looking at their waist. If their stomach is bulging out, then they consider themselves unfit and if it is inside, then they consider themselves fit, but this is not a measurement of how fit one is. We are going to tell you how…

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Don’t let Vitamin D deficiency bother you

Lucknow: For the physical and mental development of children, it is necessary to have all the nutrients in the body. Deficiency of even one of these can hinder their growth and also cause many diseases. One of these essential nutrients is Vitamin D, which is necessary for the body to function properly. It is necessary to strengthen bones and protect from many diseases. Due to deficiency of Vitamin D, many problems can occur in our body. Its deficiency can occur not only in adults but also in children and can…

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Take indications of an heart ailment seriously

Lucknow: Like other parts of the body, the effect of heart related diseases is also visible on the eyes. Symptoms visible in the eyes can also indicate whether there is a risk of heart attack or not. Like other organs, the blood supply to the retina of the eyes is disrupted. There is a risk of heart diseases due to high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. Which can also be identified by these symptoms visible in the eyes. Blurred vision Due to high blood pressure and diabetes, there is…

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Never underestimate the power of the humble Ginger

Lucknow: Today, increasing obesity is no less than a big problem for most people. Excessive obesity not only spoils a person’s personality but after some time also starts causing many health related problems. Obesity first starts appearing around your waist and stomach, which is the most difficult task to reduce. If you are also looking for an easy solution to burn the stubborn fat around your stomach, then the ginger kept in your kitchen can help you. Ginger is mostly used in the kitchen for making tea and enhancing the…

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Pick between an AC or cooler wisely


Lucknow: With the scorching heat of summer approaching, the dilemma of choosing between an air conditioner (AC) and a cooler becomes increasingly relevant. Both devices aim to provide relief from the sweltering temperatures, but their impact on health differs. Let’s delve into the comparison to determine which option is better suited for maintaining your well-being during the hot months. Understanding the Difference 1. Air Conditioner (AC) Air conditioners operate by removing heat and moisture from the air, creating a comfortable indoor environment. They typically use refrigerants to cool the air…

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How to counter negative thoughts best way

negative thoughts

New Delhi: In a groundbreaking study published in the Lifestyle section of a renowned magazine, experts unveil strategies to combat negative thoughts and emotions, offering a path to inner peace and mental well-being. Conducted by a team of psychologists and mindfulness practitioners, the research delved into various techniques to help individuals release negativity and cultivate a positive mindset. Among the findings, the study highlighted the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation, cognitive reframing, and gratitude practices in promoting emotional resilience. Dr. Emily Carter, lead researcher on the project, emphasized the importance of…

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