Amidst chants, Rajnath Singh makes fiercest pitch

Lucknow: In the huge public meeting organized at Madiyanv Thana Tiraha Sitapur Road, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh started his speech by chanting Bharat Mata Ki Jai along with the huge crowd present there.

Rajnath Singh said that I have never seen such a public meeting in Uttar Vidhan Sabha before today, for this I especially want to congratulate the MLA here,  Neeraj Bora MLA, I congratulate all the Mandal officials, councilors and all the brave workers.

Brothers and sisters, you all know that four phases of elections have been completed in this country and the trends that are coming out of them, now all the countrymen are getting a firm belief that after the seventh phase is over, the government led by the Bharatiya Janata Party is going to be formed with NDA crossing 400.

As far as the development work of Lucknow is concerned, I do not want to say that we have done a lot of development in Lucknow, being a representative, I have tried to do as much as I could, many schemes have been completed and many schemes have been approved and work is still to be done on them, everyone has contributed to this, our MLAs have contributed, our workers have contributed, if they had not told me that a flyover should be built here, a road should be built here, this work should be done here, that work should be done, maybe I would not have been able to do that work, so whatever development work has been done, I will take it all in stride.

I want to give the credit to the workers. To what extent do they have awareness about the development of this Lucknow metropolis? Sisters and brothers, the government was formed in 2014 under the leadership of the Bharatiya Janata Party. Modi Ji became the Prime Minister of our country. What was the international status of India before 2014 is not hidden from you people. You are aware citizens. You all know that even 25 years ago, I have been going to other countries of the world and I have got the opportunity to speak there many times at the international level. I have also got the opportunity to speak in the United Nations. I did not speak on those days.

When any representative of India used to express any opinion at the international level 10 years ago, the people of the world used to say, let’s go and have a cup of tea. The people of the world did not take our words with the seriousness with which they should have been taken. But today, brothers and sisters, you should also be proud that our Prime Minister has done such a miracle that India’s head has been raised high on international forums.

Today, when India says something, everyone listens with open ears to know what India is saying. This is India’s status. Many opposition parties here spread various kinds of rumours. I would like to draw your attention to the main point on which I want to create awareness among you. Misunderstanding is being created among you people. It is being said that if the Bharatiya Janata Party government is formed again, if Modi ji becomes the Prime Minister again, then the reservation system will be abolished. Brothers and sisters, I want to tell you, I want to tell the opposition that if politics has to be done, then it can be done only by speaking the truth, politics can never be done by lying.

Brothers and sisters, the reservation system has been in existence for a long time, but if any government has done the work of giving constitutional form to reservation, then it is the Modi government. Not only this, if any Prime Minister has done the work of giving 10 percent reservation to the backward class and scheduled caste people for the first time, then it is Modi. Still, these people are trying to mislead the people. Brothers and sisters, these people do not have the courage.

These people do not have any issues. They say that if Modi ji gets more than 400 seats, then he will be able to do it. If we win by seats, the democracy of the country will come to an end. I want to remind you that if anyone had ever tried to strangle democracy, it was the Congress government,  Indira Gandhi. After losing the Lok Sabha elections, the Supreme Court ruled that our Prime Minister should go to Patna. Emergency was declared and lakhs of people’s representatives were put in jail. These people have cheated. Under Section 356, the most number of governments have been dismissed by Indira Gandhi’s government. And that was done by the Congress party.

I want to say to the opposition party that if I am wrong in anything, then they should be criticized through newspapers, channels, stations because if we have done politics in life, then we have done it by looking into the eyes of the public and not by throwing dust in their eyes.

He said Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of the country. He also said that I will end poverty in India. Indira Gandhi also became the Prime Minister. She said that I will end poverty in India. Rajiv Gandhi also said it. Mohan ji also said it. Brothers and sisters, the figures are a witness to this. In the history of independent India, who has done the work of lifting more than 25 crore people out of poverty line in 8 years?

And I want to assure you that it will take 10 to 12 years. Brothers and sisters, I have been a student of science and mathematics and after calculating all the things properly, I am saying that the population of this India is 140 crores. Brothers and sisters, no one will remain poor in this country.

What should be done to get the people of India out of the crisis quickly? The Prime Minister should not make schemes. The poor should also have their own concrete houses and toilets. The poor mothers and sisters should not shed tears while cooking due to the smoke of the stove and wood. LPG gas cylinders were given to the poor. If there is any disease in the poor people, then free treatment up to 5 lakhs is done through Ayushman card. Has anyone ever thought of this before? And today I want to tell you that the Prime Minister has done the work of bringing the Ayushman Bharat scheme for the poor for their health benefits for 5 lakh rupees. But this time our Prime Minister has taken a decision in the election manifesto.

Even the street vendors who work on the roadside, I want to talk to the street vendors, they go in the morning, press the mobile and take ₹ 10000, 15000, ₹ 20000 from the bank and in the evening when they close their shop, they pay off the loan and go home with the profit.

Our government has taken care of everyone.

During the Corona crisis, when the big factories of India were closed, a large number of our brothers and sisters working there were returning to their homes on foot, there was a shortage of food. Immediately our Prime Minister decided and said that we will provide five kilograms of free ration to every person in every family. Have you ever heard in the history of India that ration was provided at the rate of 5 kg per person.

Now due to this scheme of ours, the heartbeat of the Congress people has increased. They say that if our government is formed, we will give 10 kg. Why did you not think about it earlier and you know that your government is not going to be formed, now what will you give 10 kg.

Brothers and sisters, in terms of wealth, Lucknow is an area of ​​educated people where great scholars live. In terms of wealth, our India stood at 11th position in the world from 2004 to 2014, but under the leadership of Modi ji, our India which was at 11th position in the world has jumped to 5th position today.

The world’s big economists are claiming that if there is any country in the world which is progressing rapidly, then it is India and if India continues to progress like this, then by 2027, brothers and sisters, our country will stand at the third position in the world in terms of wealth after America and China and after that, our and your country India will be third in the world.

An international organization Morgan Stanley has expressed this belief and the ambassador of the world’s most powerful country Who lives in India, while addressing a program 20 days ago, said that if you want to see the future, come to India, if you want to strengthen the future, come to India, if you want to work for the future, come to India. In English, he said that if you want to see the future, come to India, if you want to feel the future, come to India, if you want to work on the future, come to India.

The most powerful country in the world, which is considered a superpower of the world, if the situation in India was so bad 10 years ago, today it is claiming this, our Congress and SP friends cannot see this and listen my brothers and sisters, by the time we cross 2047, India will become a superpower of the world.

If we want to become a superpower of the world, then we do not want to become so to attack any country of the world, we do not want to become so to rule over any country of the world, if we want to become a superpower, then we want to become so for the welfare of the world.

On the other hand, the sages of our country have not considered the people living on the land of India only as members, but have considered all the people living in the world as part of their family. As members, if Vasudev Kutumb Bakam has originated from any land in the world, then it has originated from our country India. Whatever work we do, we do it for the country.

And I know that in this independent India, by using our votes in a democratic way, the people of our country have become politically aware. The ability to decide what we have to do and where, the ability to decide this is within India, brothers and sisters.

The opposition says that if the BJP government comes, they will make reservations and tell the Muslim brothers that they will discriminate them on the basis of their religion. The Constitution of India does not allow this. They are constantly trying to do this. Reservation was given in Aligarh University and Jamia Islamia University but the Supreme Court cancelled that reservation. We have never made any distinction on the basis of Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Jew. Whoever is born from the womb of Mother India, we are all brothers on that basis and on this basis, we want to work for our country.

The next term of our government will be of 5 years in which we will give 33 percent reservation to the mothers and sisters of India in Parliament and Vidhan Sabha. Without women empowerment our country also cannot achieve empowerment, therefore I tell you people that you should use your vote very wisely.

We have paid attention to even the smallest things, in the assembly elections in 2022, Lok Sabha in 2014, Assembly in 17, Lok Sabha in 19, Assembly in 22 and again Lok Sabha in 24. You must be thinking that how many times should we vote, the shame of the people of the country should be saved, resources should be saved, time should also be saved, worrying about this, we have decided and put it in the first place in the election that after the formation of the government, within 5 years, there will be One Nation One Election.

Except one or two incidents in Kashmir, there has been no terrorist incident anywhere in India. India has now become the most powerful country in the world. We have not shown our eyes to anyone and it is the history of India that we have never occupied an inch of land in the world, we have never attacked anyone, but if anyone tries to show  eyes to India, then India is no longer a weak India, India has the capability to give a befitting reply to them.

Whether it is Lucknow’s airport or railway station, our Chief Minister Yogi Ji never postponed any work related to development and gave full cooperation in it, for which I also thank and congratulate the Chief Minister.

Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak said that the workers of Uttar Pradesh Assembly are like Gods who are present here in such large numbers despite such hot sun and are determined to make the Bharatiya Janata Party win with a huge majority.

The Defense Minister’s effort is to make Lucknow the most beautiful city in the world in the coming 5 years.

The program was also addressed by Lucknow Metropolitan President Anand Dwivedi, Lok Sabha Election Coordinator MLC Mukesh Sharma, regional MLA Dr. Neeraj Bora, senior leader Neeraj Singh, Anupama Jaiswal.

Media in-charge Praveen Garg said that on the stage, Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Seth, Brijlal, Mayor Sushma Kharkwal, MLC Mohsin Raza, former MP Ashok Bajpai, Sharad Bajpai, Bharat Dangar, Amit Gupta, Shailendra Singh, Atal Ram Avatar Kanaujia, Vivek Singh Tomar, Ghanshyam Agarwal, Tinku Sonkar, Praveen Garg along with divisional president and councillors, a large number of area residents and workers were present.

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