Lucknow: The team of NGOInayat, led by its founder Nandini Goel, visited the Pediatric Oncology Department at KGMU, Lucknow, to donate medicines and other essentials and shared some joyful moments with the children in the pediatric ward. Alongside the core team of Inayat, 10 students from GD Goenka Public School Lucknow also visited the hospital.

Before visiting the hospital, the NGO had obtained the list of required medicines by speaking to the doctors there, so that the donation could be fruitful and benefit the children in real sense.

After donating the medicines, the team members of Inayat and students spent some quality time with the children admitted at the hospital and their parents. An emotional conversation ensued. The parents were understandably stressed and worried for the well-being of their children. There is no pain greater than watching your own child in agony and feeling helpless in making them feel better. The volunteer team motivated them to stay strong and be hopeful that their children will recover and be well again. The NGO founder Nandini Goel assured everyone present that they will return in September with more donations and asked the parents if any specific items are required, so that the needs could be met in the next visit.

It was a soul stirring visit! The students were in awe of the bravery and resilience shown by the children battling with the life threatening disease and also admired the devotion and determination with which these parents are taking care of their children with their ardent belief in our medical system.

Good health is a blessing, and everyone realized this after the visit. Team Inayat will be visiting this hospital and others hospitals too next month, the preparations for which are already underway.

This visit was part of many drives planned in August and September on the theme of Health and Well being.

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